Jennifer Aniston reveals her diet and workout secrets, telling us what keeps her always in fit. High-protein foods and an active, healthy lifestyle, this is what it takes to have the dream body of the beloved Hollywood actress.
Jennifer Aniston is a Hollywood celeb that has the perfect body we all dream to have.
What’s her secret anyways?
Let’s admit that while seeking for inspiration we all get stuck checking the jaw-dropping pictures of the gorgeous Hollywood actress. Well, aside of the beautiful pictures, now you can also check out her eating and workout plan. Thus follow reading below and find out what’s Jennifer Aniston’s perfect body secret!
Jennifer Aniston Workout Regime
The beloved actress claims that her workout plan mainly consists of skipping, tricep dips, tricep kickbacks, floor push-ups and push-ups against the wall. For each compilation Jennifer spends one minute, her entire workout program takes about an hour. Therefore, this can be the best start of the day for those of you who are busy working the entire day and have no time for gym.
Jennifer admits that workout plays an important role in her daily life: “I work out almost every day, at least five or six days a week. I do 40 minutes of cardio: spinning, running, the elliptical, or a combination of all three.’’- Jennifer Aniston, US Edition InStyle Magazine
Also the gorgeous actress claims that she loves Spin and Yoga, which by the way she prefers attending with friends.
Jennifer Aniston Diet
According to the diet plan of the successful Hollywood actress, the most important thing to do is to ensure that you provide enough protein to your body. Protein helps your body to function properly while aiding in building muscles. Jennifer, in general follows a low-fat and high-protein diet.
Let’s have a look on an example of Jennifer’s typical eating routine:
• Apple butter with whole wheat bread along with a big slice of cheese and a cereal bar.
• Scrambled egg with dried chilli and water with lemon.
• Salad made of tomatoes, parsley, green onions and white beans.
• Celery soup
• Asparagus and white fish well-steamed accompanied with walnuts, garlic and lemon.
• Chicken Burrito with no sour cream or cheese.
Note that snacks play an important role and no matter how strict your diet is, you should never cut out snacks. All you need to do is ensure you’ve added the right snacks to your eating regime.
Dark chocolate
Blueberries, chia seeds
Green tea with mint
Last but not least, we would like to especially mention that on weekends Jennifer allows herself to do a cheatmeal such as a fancy dish of Mexican food or a delicious pasta cooked by Justin Theroux. Well it is hard to refuse a delicious dish made with love isn’t it?