See How a Customer of GarciniaLab on Both the Keto Diet and Garcinia Cambogia supplement lost 10 pounds in only 2 weeks.
The keto diet is well known low carb diet where the body makes ketones in the liver to be used as energy. It’s referred to as many different names – ketogenic diet, low carb diet, low carb high fat (LCHF), etc.
When you eat something high in carbs, your body will produce glucose and insulin: Glucose is the easiest molecule for your body to convert and use as energy so that it will be chosen over any other energy source.Insulin is produced to process the glucose in your bloodstream by taking it around the body. We obtain energy through fat or glucose. By eating carbohydrates your body will easily obtain glucose and the fats will be stored in your body. By lowering the intake of carbs, the keto diet takes into effect and the body is induced into a state known as ketosis since the glucose is being used as a primary energy, your fats are not stored. Typically on a normal, higher carbohydrate diet, the body will use glucose as the main form of energy.
What Happens When You Are On the Keto Diet
The end goal of a properly maintained keto diet is to force your body into this metabolic state known as ketosis. Ketosis is a natural function of the body to use fat as an energy source. In the most extreme measures, it happens if someone is starving, but this is not the case in our keto diet plan explanation as we are staring the body of only carbohydrates which is one of the fuels the body has. Those in keto are, in a sense, “starving” the body of carbs to condition the body to turn to fat for fuel which is great for losing weight naturally!
Benefits of Being on a Keto Diet When on the keto diet, users typically see the following benefits:
• Natural Weight Loss
• Better mood
• Better sleep
• Satiety
• Physical endurance
• Mental clarity
• Fat loss
• Better skin
When you’re first adapting your body to running in a ketosis mode, initially, it can be a little rough. But as you stick with it, your body begins to prefer fat as energy and becomes keto-adaptive a.k.a. basically, a fat-burning machine. Our bodies are incredibly adaptive to what you put into it – when you overload it with fats and take away carbohydrates, it will begin to burn ketones as the primary energy source. Optimal ketone levels offer many health, weight loss, physical and mental performance benefits.
Why Garcinia Cambogia and the Keto Diet Help You Lose Weight Even Faster The experts said it themselves about how garcinia cambogia and how it helps you lose weight, even labeling garcinia cambogia as a miracle supplement while there is proof the ancient tribes in South Asia have been using it as an appetite suppressant for centuries.
Garcinia Cambogia is a supplement we know does 3 things to your body: • Blocks the formation of body fat
• Suppresses the appetite through increased serotonin release
• Boost your bodies natural metabolism rate to burn more calories
So what really is the secret behind garcinia cambogia and would it work if you take it with the keto diet?
The simple answer to this question is yes, the keto diet and the garcinia cambogia work hand in hand to provide you a weight loss regime you had never thought of. Why? You are not only allowing your body to burn fat as its primary energy with the keto diet, but on garcinia cambogia your not allowing your body to store as much as much fat at all, plus you’ll be eating less, and supplied with more energy through the benefits of the keto diet.
The Keto Diet Is Low in Carbs & Garcinia Cambogia Blocks Off the Rest of the Sugar Citrate lyase is an enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of starch and sugar into fat. In Garcinia Cambogia the main ingredient known as HCA ( hydroxycitric acid) works by blocking this enzyme. It binds to citrate lyase and blocks it from binding to any other molecule. This, in turn, enables the carbohydrates to be used up as energy for bodily functions just as fat does with the keto diet. For all the carbohydrates found in the keto diet, use garcinia cambogia to block the rest of the sugar molecules to taking effect and causing additional weight gain. The Real Results of Garcinia Cambogia and the Keto Diet A customer of GarciniaLab gladly accepted trying both the 95% HCA garcinia camnbogia supplement and the keto diet simultaneously to see how the results worked. From being on the supplement and the keto diet now for 2 weeks, we are proud to report our participant has lost 10 pounds thus far. Being 210 pounds at the beginning of the study to now being 200 pounds, the participant has lost triple the estimated body mass index weight loss in this period of time and personally said he feels more focused, has less of an appetite craving and has more energy. On a bad note, he jokingly said he can’t eat bread, but is slowly getting used to it.