How Garcinia Cambogia Works to Help You Lose Weight Naturally
Learn How Does Garcinia Cambogia Works To Help You Lose Naturally | Learn the Facts About Garcinia Cambogia Supplements from the People Who Know the Supplement the BestIf you are struggling to lose weight, you are not alone. In 2010.[1] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported higher numbers once more, counting 65.7% of American adults as overweight of Americans are considered obese or overweight according to the data found. Chances are you or a loved one knows someone who is struggling to lose weight as the weight gain epidemic is getting worse. You’ll occasionally hear what the latest weight loss trends are or how living a certain lifestyle whether it be dieting or exercise can help you in different ways. In the end, it feels like everyone has something to say about losing the extra weight.

Used throughout history as a natural cooking ingredient and appetite suppressant, the fruit called Garcinia Cambogia has been identified as a groundbreaking source of assisting individuals to lose weight. History shows people have used the plant Garcinia Cambogia throughout decades dating back over a hundred years as an appetite suppressant, and more recent studies show the plant can assist performing other natural remedies helping people lose weight.
This is where Garcinia Lab’s weight loss supplements have come into play for the past decade. People struggling with weight always want to know what the best way to lose weight is and we’ve answered back every time with a product that actually works. Since our company’s inception, Garcinia Lab has always dedicated its resources in finding which weight loss supplements work the best and why users should be using them for various reasons. More commonly now, our newer supplement called Garcinia Cambogia Premium 95% HCA has been a popular weight loss pill as it’s a supplement that works naturally to help users lose weight through the bodies naturally capabilities.
So, this brings up the question, how does Garcinia Cambogia supplements exactly help you lose weight or do they even really work at all?
How Does Garcinia Cambogia Extract Help You Lose WeightThe answer of why Garcinia Cambogia works relies on the ingredients HCA, the main reason behind the fat burning properties of this plant[2]. HCA is the key ingredient in Garcinia Cambogia. The HCA is extracted from the fruit rinds of the plant in high concentrates, then placed into our supplements. Did you know taking 1540 MG of our Garcinia Cambogia (daily serving required) is the equivalent of eating 30 pounds of the fruit?

The question can be answered in a few different ways as the Garcinia Cambogia supplements have several turning effects to help users lose weight naturally.
- Appetite Suppressant:
Garcinia Cambogia will suppress your appetite in order for you to be less hungry, helps avoid emotional eating and just overall an intake of fewer calories. But how? Garcinia Cambogia’s fruit rind HCA allows your body to release serotonin in the brain, a chemical reaction related to mood and upswing in energy, giving you fewer chances to stay hungry all the time. Being less hungry gives you less of a chance to snack and eat overall unhealthy food. Think about it, if you are consuming less, your body has fewer calories to burn, and you’re in a natural state of losing weight. Eating less while on Garcinia Cambogia is like taking dieting to another level. Now your body has an excuse not to eat or snack as much while you wait on your regular meals and eat fewer portions. If the average user burns 1500 amount of calories per day, reducing their intake of snacks, sugars, carbs or just overall eating can be critical in losing weight naturally.
- Boosting Metabolism:
Garcinia Cambogia will increase your metabolism in order for your body to use more calories as energy. Your body burns calories throughout the day as you do everyday things. You’ll even burn calories in your sleep. By burning more calories as you usually do, you’ll help your body reach its weight loss level. For instance, if the average person consumes 3000 calories a day to keep a stable weight, burning anything less would mean a natural state of losing weight. Garcinia Cambogia is known for this, and many doctors and researchers have found it helps you lose weight by performing the natural functions of your body.
- Fat Blocker:
Garcinia Cambogia will block the carbs your body turns into sugar. Garcinia Cambogia does this by blocking the enzymes your body turns food into sugar. This impactful change manipulates your body to stop producing as much sugar from the foods you love eating. This is why you’ve heard ‘eat what you want’ and still lose weight while on this pill. Granted, keeping a healthy diet while on Garcinia Cambogia is the ideal practice as removing sugar in-whole will allow your body to use the fat as energy instead of the sugar your body produces as energy.

Recommended Use of Garcinia Cambogia
When taking our Garcinia Cambogia extract, it is important to take it at least 30 minutes before 2 meals a day. Take 1 Garcinia Cambogia extract capsule 30 minutes before breakfast and 1 capsule 30 minutes before lunch or dinner. The list of ingredients in whatever product you buy should be reviewed so as to avoid fillers and artificial. Our recommended serving of Garcinia Cambogia is 1540 MG (when buying the 95% HCA).
When buying Garcinia Cambogia, make sure the supplement is considered all-natural to be considered generally safe. Garcinia Cambogia extract supplements should not be taken by those who are pregnant or breastfeeding, those who are taking a diabetic medication (like insulin or glyburide), and by those who are taking a statin (cholesterol-lowering drug. If you have any medical issue(s) or take medication, ask your doctor for permission prior to taking Garcinia Cambogia.
Does Garcinia Cambogia Have Side Effects?
Garcinia Cambogia does not show side effects when taking the 100% natural form.
For instance, one study involving rats treated for a period of 90 days showed HCA results in a reduction in body weight but did not cause any side effects of hepatic and testicular lipid peroxidation, DNA fragmentation, or histopathological changes.
Things to Look Out for Before Buying Garcinia Cambogia
Before buying any Garcinia Cambogia supplement, make sure the product meets all of the following:
- Made in the USA
- GMP Certified Manufacturing Practices
- FDA Registered Facility Manufacturing Plant
- Contains at Least 60% HCA
- Contains No Fillers or Binders
- One-time Retail Purchase ( No hidden fees)
References and Sources
[1] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Weight Loss Epidemic
[2] Clinical study on Garcinia Cambogia by Current Therapeutic Research